How to Resize an Image Free and Online

Do you plan to zoom in on a photo to better see a supernatural shadow? Are you looking for a person and you have to submit an enlarged printed image of their face? Do you need to resize an image with good resolution for a funeral service?

There are a ton of reasons people want to enlarge images. Most do it for printing photos for keeping in the traditional style. Others do it for fun or to prank a friend.

Whatever your reason for resizing an image, you want to learn how to how to resize an image the right way. Below, we’ve got a guide on how you can do that with our very own AI Image Enlarger. We’ve also included a few tips on how to better do high-quality image enlargement.

how to resize an image

1. What Is the Best Image Size?

To answer the question: it depends on what you’re using the photo for.

If you remember, pixels are tiny colored dots that form images. The higher the pixel density or resolution of your image, the more detailed it is. With a smaller resolution, your image becomes blurry or pixelated.

If you’re printing an image, you want it to be at the right size. This should be at 300 dots per inch (DPI) at 100% size. Also, 300 DPI is the industry standard for quality photographs.

In the internet era, web images have much lower resolutions. If you’ve noticed, the images you download from the internet often have 72 DPI. This is because computer monitors from the 1980s only had resolutions of 72 DPI.

The truth is the resolution of an image doesn’t have any connection to how you view the image on your screen. On paper, however, there is a huge difference between 72 DPI and 300 DPI resolution images. In actuality, DPI is a guide for printers.

When you print an image, consider how large the print will be and the type of printer you’ll use. Use 200-225 DPI for laser printing, 267-300 DPI for commercial offset press, and 360 DPI for photo stylus inkjet. Also, a larger print needs a higher resolution.

It’s worth noting that prints will often need higher resolutions. If you’re building a website, it’ll be smart to use high-resolution images too. If need be, you can always enlarge an image.

2. How Resizing Photos Affect Them

Changing the dimensions of a photo often leads to a loss of quality, especially when you’re enlarging it. You won’t find any loss of quality when you change the picture size to be smaller. Unless you enlarge it back to a larger image again.

As you know, the pixels that form the image are already fixed to a specific location to create the image. When you enlarge the image, the pixels remain in the same places so the image stays the same. The problem with enlarging images is you only end up enlarging the pixels that form them.

This is what creates the pixelated look on enlarged photos. Opening, editing, and then saving JPEG images also are a cause for quality loss. This is why some people get frustrated when their images don’t look as good on paper after they edited it.

This is why you can get a smaller image of the mind-blowing 81-megapixel moon photo by Andrew McCarthy. However, you can’t get the same details of the image after you saved it in a smaller resolution. The secret to having no regrets when resizing images is to edit a copy rather than the original image.

3. How to Resize an Image with AI Image Enlarger

The problem now is to learn how to resize images without losing their quality. The internet offers many solutions that help you change the size of an image. For this, we introduce to you the AI Image Enlarger.

The AI Image Enlarger uses an AI that retains the details while it enlarges images. The AI for our image enlarger also uses machine learning technology. That means the AI studies the different photos it enlarges and improves upon its detailing and enlargement process.

When it comes to resizing photos, it’s never going to be easier than using the AI Image Enlarger. All you need to do is to go to the main page. Click on the Select Files button.

Note the file limits:

  • Less than 3MB
  • Less than 800 width x 750 height
  • Only .jpg, .jpeg, and .png extensions

After you upload the images, choose a style. The styles include Artwork, Photo, Face, and High-Grade. You can enlarge it twice or 4x the size of the original uploaded image.

After you choose the style, click on submit to get a preview of it. All that’s left to do is to click on Download and you’ve got your enlarged image for free. Resizing your photos has never been easier than before.

4. Tips on Resizing Images

If you’re resizing an image for your website, make sure it’s already in the correct dimensions. For example, a banner image is almost always wider than it is taller. If you don’t want the image to stretch out sideways or get cropped, make sure they’re already in the right dimensions.

If you’re one of the 81% of Americans who use smartphones, you might have also tried to get some of the photos you took from your phone printed. One reason for low-resolution images taken from your phone is the image settings. Make sure your photos are set to have the highest resolution to get the best images for resizing.

Start Resizing Your Photos

That’s it for our guide on how to resize an image using the AI Image Enlarger.

It’s a great tool for quick and easy image enlargement. Another great perk of the AI Image Enlarger is you don’t need to buy any software for image editing. You can also get an enlarged image without having to study how to use photo editing software.

Use AI Image Enlarger now to resize your images without losing the image quality. If you found this blog post on how to enlarge images helpfully, check out our blog for other similar posts. For inquiries or other information, feel free to contact us here.


John Lee

Senior editor and website operator. Leave your comments and I will reply as soon as possible.


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